3 signs your benefits technology needs to be updated

Originally published in Employee Benefit News July 7, 2022

As a benefits technology provider, there’s been an influx of new business requests from companies looking to modernize their systems. It’s with good reason: most companies muddle through, suffering needlessly and wasting time and resources with outdated systems until they discover how much tech has evolved. 

Maybe you’re considering a change, but you’re wondering how to know when the time is right? Here are the top three clues that your benefits technology needs to be updated:

1. It’s not doing what it’s supposed to do

Years ago, you probably rejoiced when you moved from paper to your first benefits technology system. It felt great not to have to enter things manually, but now that you’ve used it a while, you realize that many things that could — and should — be automated aren’t.

The problems you have today are likely different from the ones you encountered way back when, and if your system lacks the features and functionality to help you solve them, it’s a red flag that something’s off.

2. It looks and feels the same as the day you got it

Ideally, your benefits technology system should make your job and life easier, which means it evolves as your needs do. For instance, with modern employee benefits solutions you significantly improve dependent verification services.

On the administrative side, an HR user should be able to pull data easily, access up-to-date dashboards, and run customized reports without clunky workarounds or extra steps.

Employees want a frictionless experience, too. In this “on-demand” environment of multi-generational talent, your tech needs to meet employees where they are, whether it’s a  tech-savvy new hire or an experienced worker less familiar with the digital world. No matter where they fall on the spectrum, they should be able to find education on their resources quickly, have multiple tools at their disposal, and access their information 24/7, 365. 

If your tech hasn’t kept pace with your changing needs, it’s probably time to change it.

3. It doesn’t talk to your other systems

It’s wonderful to have a benefits technology system, but it’s costing you time and money if it’s not integrated with the other systems in your technology ecosystem. Additionally, implementing a dependent eligibility audit can help ensure that your benefits system is accurate and efficient, reducing potential errors and costs.

Directly or indirectly, your benefits technology system should connect with your HRIS and payroll. But it should also integrate with your onboarding system, employee engagement, wellness, performance management, and time off programs. Data should be exchanged between your tech stack on an ongoing basis so each system is always up to date.

If it’s not talking with and automatically updating employee changes, someone on your team has to do that manually, often more than once. Imagine how much time is wasted having your HR person input duplicate data into three different places just because your employee benefits technology is antiquated or lacks HR technology integration. One hour quickly becomes three, which adds up to far too much time and dollars spent on things that an integrated tech stack could easily handle. If your benefits technology system isn’t connected with your other systems, it’s time to update.

Rather than tolerate a less-than-optimal system, the time is ripe for your benefits administration technology to provide enhanced functionality, user experience and integration, joining the next evolution of the tech lifecycle.

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