Questions to ask in a post-Open Enrollment survey
Conducting a post-Open Enrollment survey to gather feedback on employees’ experiences with the benefits administration (BenAdmin) system is crucial for employers. These surveys provide valuable insights into the effectiveness, usability, and overall satisfaction with the enrollment process.
Understanding employees’ pain points, confusion, or challenges with the BenAdmin system allows employers to identify areas for improvement and ensure a smoother experience in future enrollments. Additionally, feedback from these surveys can guide enhancements to communication strategies, support services, and system functionality.
Questions to ask
Here are a few questions to ask in a post-Open Enrollment survey that can help employers better understand how the employee experience was during Open Enrollment (OE):
Overall experience:
How would you rate your experience with this year’s OE process?
- Very Satisfied
- Satisfied
- Neutral
- Dissatisfied
- Very Dissatisfied
Ease of use:
How easy was it to navigate the BenAdmin system during OE?
- Very Easy
- Easy
- Neutral
- Difficult
- Very Difficult
Clarity of information:
How clear was the information provided about the benefits options and enrollment process?
- Very Clear
- Clear
- Neutral
- Unclear
- Very Unclear
Did you receive enough support when you had questions or encountered issues during OE?
- Yes
- No
- Not Applicable
Time to complete:
How long did it take you to complete enrollment?
- Less than 15 minutes
- 15-30 minutes
- 30-60 minutes
- More than 60 minutes
Technical issues:
Did you experience any technical difficulties while using the BenAdmin system?
- Yes
- No
Issue resolution:
If you experienced technical difficulties, how satisfied were you with how they were resolved?
- Very Satisfied
- Satisfied
- Neutral
- Dissatisfied
- Very Dissatisfied
- Not Applicable
Comparison to last year:
How would you compare this year’s OE experience to last year?
- Much Better
- Better
- About the Same
- Worse
- Much Worse
Effectiveness of communication:
How would you describe the effectiveness of communication during the OE period?
- Very Effective
- Effective
- Neutral
- Ineffective
- Very Ineffective
Suggestions for improvement:
What improvements would you recommend for next year’s OE process?
Confidence in benefits choices:
How confident do you feel about the benefits you chose?
- Very Confident
- Confident
- Neutral
- Unsure
- Very Unsure
Additional tips
When creating your post-enrollment survey, consider leading with a few demographic questions, such as asking about the respondent’s department or how long they have been with the company. These types of questions help analyze the data by different employee groups.
To yield higher participation rates, keep the survey brief with around 10-15 questions. Incorporating a variety of question formats — like multiple-choice, Likert scale, and open-ended questions — can provide a balanced mix of quantitative and qualitative data. Emphasize that responses will be anonymous to foster honest and candid feedback from participants.