Consider these 3 factors when implementing a new BenAdmin platform
When we think about implementing a new BenAdmin platform, we often only think about the obvious factors. Costs, features, and usability are the common factors that brokers, HR, and senior leadership focus on. Many fail to consider how crucial it is to partner with the right vendor.
Failure to properly vet a vendor is very risky. The implementation process needs to be effective, efficient, and aligned with the organization’s goals, otherwise the results will be crippling. Employers and benefits consultants alike run the risk of enduring costly mistakes and wasted resources, while HR teams are burdened with more administrative headaches (the exact problems they hoped a new BenAdmin platform would alleviate).
By properly vetting a vendor’s processes, you can ensure a smooth rollout of a new platform. Here’s what to consider when vetting a new BenAdmin platform:
Evaluate what the implementation process is like
Although new technology can make life easier, that doesn’t mean the implementation process will be a cake-walk. That’s why having a structured implementation roadmap in your hands before any work begins is critical. This way you can manage and track progress with ease. A detailed project plan keeps everything on track for a smooth launch, with fewer setbacks along the way.
Ask vendors about how they plan for carrier coordination during this time as well. Carrier coordination is a crucial aspect of a successful implementation, because failure to properly integrate Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) files will be a major issue. If not properly implemented, HR teams may have to find alternative methods to send enrollment data to their carriers, which isn’t considered best practice. Alternate methods are time-consuming and compromise the security of the data.
Client service
What is the vendor’s client service like? During implementation, will there be regular check-ins, status updates, and clearly defined points of contact? These are questions you should ask to find out if vendors can provide top-notch client service.
You’ll especially want a vendor to assign a dedicated client success manager to your account. They’ll have everyone on the same page so that deadlines are met once the implementation project begins. After the rollout, a dedicated client success manager is with you every step of the way, from open enrollment and beyond. You want a vendor that is truly a technology partner to brokers, benefits consultants, and employers alike.
The bar for client service in this industry is set pretty low, though. When it comes to customer service, people are used to receiving automated messages indicating “longer than average wait times” or worse, not an answer at all. Fortunately, there are technology vendors out there that do care about client service. With the right partner, you don’t have to worry about being a technology expert because the right partner can deliver reliable solutions and dedicated support.
Benefit consultants — you don’t have to do all the legwork to vet technology solutions yourself. The right partner will perform a thorough discovery process with your client(s) to identify a best-fit solution.
Implement and test new technology well before OE
Testing technology to ensure the platform is working as intended is a key factor in a successful implementation. Be sure your technology partner addresses and sorts out issues as soon as possible to avoid wasting time and resources later.
The right technology partner will advocate for new technology to be implemented and tested well before open enrollment, even as early as post-OE. While that may seem way too early to implement new technology, it’s the best time. Waiting until OE season to test new technology can lead to a delayed OE rollout and greater inefficiency.
Delaying the implementation of a new system until mid-year is not advisable. Even best-of-breed technology requires a learning curve. If HR encounters issues with the platform, it can disrupt an entire workforce, especially during OE when technology is crucial.
Employers should use the post-OE period to reflect on previous enrollment challenges while they’re still fresh. Then, HR can familiarize themselves with new technology with new hires and employees experiencing a life event. This allows enough time to develop and test carrier connectivity as well.
In conclusion, when vetting a new BenAdmin platform, it’s essential to look beyond just costs, features, and usability. Overlooking the importance of a vendor’s implementation process and client service can lead to significant challenges, including wasted resources, administrative burden, and ineffective technology solutions.
A structured implementation, thorough testing, and dedicated client support are crucial for a smooth rollout and ongoing success. Additionally, testing new technology well in advance of open enrollment ensures any issues are addressed promptly, avoiding delays and inefficiencies.
By taking a comprehensive approach to vendor vetting and prioritizing effective implementation and client service, employers and benefits consultants can ensure they choose a technology partner that meets their needs and supports their goals effectively.